Alessyas Dream

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Alessyas Dream


    Suggestion against the noob killers problem


    Mensajes : 1
    Fecha de inscripción : 15/01/2019

    Suggestion against the noob killers problem Empty Suggestion against the noob killers problem

    Mensaje por Moon Mar Ene 15, 2019 3:44 pm

    Since i started palying on this server i saw lots of people saying stuff like: "this server is awesome, the only problem is that there are a lot of old players that just login to kill noobs".
    So i realize that that's a problem in the server for a lot of players. That behavior is clearly toxic and bad for the game and the community, but it's a hard problem to solve.
    By coincidence, i found a system in another server, that will maybe be a good solution:

    Game worth is a system to protect active players from retired players that would login just to kill people and then logout.

    While hunting creatures that gives you more exp, than your own level, you will get 1% game worth every 60 seconds.
    If you have less than 100 game worth you will gain 1% every 30 seconds.

    Golden Account players gets 1% worth every 20 seconds above 100, and 1% every 10 seconds below 100.
    You lose 1% game worth every hour, both as online and offline.
    The amount of game worth you have, determine your damage towards other players.
    0% worth = 0 damage towards players, 100% = normal pvp damage.

    After you have 100% worth, you start building a buffer for another 100%.
    You can have maximum 100% game worth + 100% buffer.
    This will give you almost 5 days of keeping your full PVP damage without hunting creatures.
    You will need to hunt AVG 24 minutes per day to keep your game worth up (8 minutes as golden account).

    Game worth will have no effect against guild war enemies, white and red skulled players.
    Meaning you will deal full damage to mentioned exceptions at all times.

    So this is my suggestion. To implement this or something similar.

      Fecha y hora actual: Mar Mayo 07, 2024 10:35 pm